2024 Murrindindi Shire Council Elections

Every four years, Murrindindi Shire residents and ratepayers vote to elect Councillors to represent our community.

The next Council elections will be held on Saturday 26 October 2024.


Judy Duncan

for Cathedral Ward

Independent candidate

Cathedral Ward



New councillor

Not represented Murrindindi previously.

ADTTA Interview Question Responses


What inspired you to run for council, and how do you see yourself making a difference for the Shire of Murrindindi?


I was inspired just by my own thoughts, feelings, dealings with council and talking with others in my community.  Is Council doing a bad job?  No……not necessarily.  Can Council Do Better?...........Yes.

We can always do better.  For many in the community there seems to be an attitude of why bother talking or asking when it comes to the Council because it’s a waste of time.  While this may not necessarily be True it is a Sad Indictment on the current situation.  It would be my goal to improve this perception and encourage more Community Engagement.


What do you see as the most pressing challenges facing local businesses, and how would you address them if elected?


As a small business owner/partner in small family business I believe the current economic climate plays a huge role in business’ ability to survive and thrive.  I feel that in a small country town it can be harder with often too few residents, and it does feel that the population is shrinking.  Shrinking population = staffing issues along with reduced customer/clients.  More residents = more Services required.  More Services = fewer empty shops = more tourists.  Empty shops make our main streets less attractive to our Community and Tourists alike.    Let’s try to encourage more young families to want to come and stay and raise their children here.  At all times not forgetting others that are already here.


If elected, how do you plan to engage with residents and business owners to ensure their voices are heard in council decisions?


I would plan to engage with residents and business owners on a regular basis through popping into our towns, sending out messages (many people use social media) and just doing my usual thing when out an about which I call, and my husband now uses the phrase, “Making Friends”.  I am currently doing that through my social media and messenger services asking people what their thoughts are and for Feedback.  I have learnt and been made aware of quite a few thoughts, issues and concerns over the past few weeks, just by introducing myself and having a chat.  “Making Friends.”


What do you see as the biggest challenges facing the Shire of Murrindindi over the next four years, and how do you plan to address them?


Unfortunately, not being involved in Council and therefore not being privy to issues that may or may not have been brought up with Council I cannot comment on “the biggest challenges facing the Shire of Murrindindi”.  Often these things only come to the fore when the community feels like they have a voice.  I hope that I will learn more of what is to learn if I am lucky enough to gain support in my community and am therefore elected.  However, after talking with some locals, I have been made aware of poor Mental Health issues in the Community and particularly in our young people.  This has shocked and saddened me greatly.  I have already started engaging with local community members on ways that we can help and perhaps engage our youth and not just our youth, in programs, help, events, get togethers.  Just anything that may improve their quality of life and self-esteem.  I am engaging with them because they have first hand experience with these issues and now that I am more aware of this, I am hoping to help them make a difference.  Let’s do our Best to keep everyone healthy and happy, but especially our young people.  Growing up can sometimes be difficult, distressing and confusing.  Let’s support wherever we can so that they can grow up, healthier and happier, to become our future families and community.


Who do you admire or look up to as a political “hero”, and how has that influenced your approach to leadership?


If I were to be completely honest, I’d have to say when you make a hero out of a politician you invariably become disillusioned, disappointed, dismayed and disengaged.  I hope that I Do Better.  But I’m not a politician.  I’m just a Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Small Business Owner & Local who Loves where I live and I just want to see my Community Happy, Healthy and Thriving.

So, to clarify the above I can say that my approach to leadership has not been influenced by any political leader.  My Influence has mostly come from my parents and their working-class values, “say what you mean and mean what you say”, that they instilled in me from a very young age.  My parents’ values have never left me.


Where do you see the Shire of Murrindindi in four years, and what legacy would you hope to leave at the end of your term?


Personally, I view Council, and State and Federal Government for that matter, as a household.  In a household it is important to make sure, to the best of your abilities, you handle your budget wisely, that your family is well fed, clothed, has a roof over their heads, they are Happy and Healthy, and the neighbourhood functions as just one big extended family.  The Village (Council) is responsible for enabling its community to live in Harmony, have good Mental Health, feel they have somewhere to go if they need something.

Get the Basics Right, Engage the Community.  Then other programs/events/projects will be easier to achieve and perhaps bring more people together.

Candidates were provided twelve (12) questions, and invited to respond to six (6) of their choosing. As such, responses will be different from one candidate to another.

The candidate's responses have been published exactly as submitted. The Alexandra and District Traders and Tourism Association (ADTTA) has not altered or edited the content for spelling, accuracy, or tone.

NOTE: This post does not imply that ADTTA endorses any of the candidates in the upcoming elections

For more information

36 Grant Street, Alexandra Victoria 3714
Phone: (03) 5772 1100
Email: info@alexandratourism.com

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