2024 Murrindindi Shire Council Elections

Every four years, Murrindindi Shire residents and ratepayers vote to elect Councillors to represent our community.

The next Council elections will be held on Saturday 26 October 2024.


Sandice McAulay

for Cathedral Ward

Independent candidate

Cathedral Ward



Returning councillor

Previously served:

ADTTA Interview Question Responses


What inspired you to run for council, and how do you see yourself making a difference for the Shire of Murrindindi?


I’ve been privileged to have had the support from my community for the previous two terms on Council. After careful consideration I feel that I still have the drive and enthusiasm for a third term and have asked the community for a third term – because – I love my community, and I am still passionate about representing the interests and needs of the wider community objectively and impartially.


What do you see as the most pressing challenges facing local businesses, and how would you address them if elected?


As a small business owner myself, I want tourism and businesses to thrive. Council has recently adopted an Economic Development Strategy – a five-year plan – that is a very broad high-level document. This is a great start but the how – the action plan needs to be driven not just by the Council but in an active partnership with the business community and be aligned with various regional and local plans.

Businesses are affected by the lack of worker accommodation, the changing face of IT and technology, climate change, challenges of infrastructure as well as increasing working from home and many more. Some good some not.

Business and focus Groups such as ADTTA, Murrindindi Food and Wine and the newly developing Marysville Chamber of Commerce to name a few, provide great networking opportunities. Having been involved in the evolution of the growing CoC I look forward to forging partnerships between these and any other groups that support businesses.


Tourism plays a big role in our local economy. How would you support and grow tourism in the Shire, particularly through community events?


Events are an important part of our community and provide colour and life to our communities as well as promoting our local businesses and tourism opportunities.

Personally, I am very invested in community events and am directly involved with my own small community of Taggerty running regular markets and other volunteer run activities.

Initiatives that help our small community groups to grow their respective events by providing help with planning, advertising, hiring of equipment and sourcing of affordable Insurance. An up-to-date calendar of events that every group populates and is centrally advertised is growing but still needs to be embraced by all.


What do you see as the biggest challenges facing the Shire of Murrindindi over the next four years, and how do you plan to address them?


Our community is increasingly being impacted by unprecedented climate emergency events and Council needs to be prepared to enact well thought out recovery support for our community. These emergencies also have dollar impact on many of our businesses. A flood doesn’t discriminate between a farmer or a business that caters to visitors to our area or indeed the visitors themselves.

In recent years we have seen first-hand how State and Federal Government Decisions can have a direct impact on many lives with the recent example of the State Review of access to local Forests and State Parks. Another example was the review of Hospital Board Management Models. Council has no direct control on decisions made by Government.

Council in these instances needs to work collaboratively with the community to have our collective voice heard and must continue to advocate to State government for safe and respectful community access to our parks.


Who do you admire or look up to as a political “hero”, and how has that influenced your approach to leadership?


I have always endeavoured to see the other persons point of view. I believe that I can listen, and I can debate respectfully. The following quote from New Zealand’s former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern resonates with how I see my own leadership style.

“I really rebel against this idea that politics has to be a place full of ego and where you’re constantly focused on scoring hits against each other. Yes, we need a robust democracy, but you can be strong, and you can be kind.”

Jacinda Ardern, The Female Lead

My primary focus is on representing the interests and needs of our wider community objectively and impartially. I believe in making decisions based on what is best for the Murrindindi community, rather than aligning with any political rhetoric.


Where do you see the Shire of Murrindindi in four years, and what legacy would you hope to leave at the end of your term?


Like you I want a place that is safe for our children and aged. I also want:

  • Council to be financially sustainable.
  • Safe roads that are appropriately maintained across the network.
  • Sustainable growth and development are supported through improved access to water, sewer, power, telecom and road infrastructure.
  • Our communities are inclusive, embrace diversity and encourage the participation of all new residents.
  • Continuing safe access to our state parks.
  • Visitors enjoy and contribute to our shire.

Finally, as a small Business owner, I want tourism and businesses to thrive.

Candidates were provided twelve (12) questions, and invited to respond to six (6) of their choosing. As such, responses will be different from one candidate to another.

The candidate's responses have been published exactly as submitted. The Alexandra and District Traders and Tourism Association (ADTTA) has not altered or edited the content for spelling, accuracy, or tone.

NOTE: This post does not imply that ADTTA endorses any of the candidates in the upcoming elections

For more information

36 Grant Street, Alexandra Victoria 3714
Phone: (03) 5772 1100
Email: info@alexandratourism.com

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